How many people love me

Friday, November 4, 2011


Okay so the past couple days I have been hanging with some class mates and it makes me feel so much better, and we try to talk Russian most of the time and things. I am glad that I have been doing this it helps me make good friends and we all have a really good time together. Yesterday we worked for a friend and helped him clean up his new apartment and get it clean so the building manager could look at what was wrong. Today we went to the local Philharmonic Hall, and I think 'sqwuated' on the concert. Anyway the concert was really really interesting and fantastic I just wish I could have understood it more.

Going back to yesterday, after we finished working in our friends flat he treated us all to some really good Chinese food, that has menus in Russian, Chinese and Korean. Also, by the way the friend is Korean and really nice and works as a webpage designer I believe. That is besides the point though, but we all had a good time together and decided that if our friend needs help again we will help because the food was really good and things.

Today, for our entire lesson we went and watched the spectacular concert for almost the entire lesson. After, that some of my class mates and I went to a local Bar & Grill called 'Obama's Bar & Grill'. They had really good handmade pasta and pizza there and we all had a real good time. Now as I type this I am sitting in a friend of a friend's house using their WiFi and she is really nice and her Chinese friends make really good food.

Maybe by the end of this year in Kyrgyzstan I will know Russian, English, some French, some Korean, some Chinese and maybe some Turkish. I am hoping to be fluent in Russian by the end of the year and have a good base for Turkish when I leave.

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